install liquidsoap
the following commands were tested on a fresh/default install of ubuntu server 14.04 lts, and is expected you already have an ice/shoutcast server running, and know your way around the linux command line.
you can find a list of the available liquidsoap packages for install by searching the apt list:
$ sudo apt-cache search liquidsoap
i take the easy route and just go ahead and also install all the supported streaming plugins as well.
$ sudo apt-get install liquidsoap liquidsoap-plugin-all
once installed you are ready to write a script.
this example will have the following functions/capabilities:
the script runs in the background (deamon mode)
plays local mp3’s listed in a playlist file (txt)
immediately switch to live dj (and back) on connect/disconnect
play a local backup file of any of the above fails for any reason
manually set title via url GET request (
output the stream to multiple instances of shoutcast at different bit rates and formats (transcoding)
to execute simply
$ ./whateveryouwant.liq
create a file containing the following and name it whateveryouwant.liq and edit values as needed
# run this script in the background
# do not create a pid file
# set the path and permissions for the logfile
# local ip address to bind and listen for input (dj or metadata)
# port and pass for live djs to connect to (shoutcast protocol)
live = input.harbor(icy=true,"/",port=8888,password="PASS")
# path to playlist file which contains a list of local mp3's (/home/user/mp3/song.mp3)
playlist = playlist("/home/user/mp3/playlist.txt")
# path to failover song if all above fails
emergency = single("/home/user/mp3/backup.mp3")
# do not monitor for silence and specify the fallback/priority order
radio = fallback(track_sensitive=false,[live,playlist,emergency])
# function to manually change song title
title = insert_metadata(radio)
insert = fst(title)
radio = snd(title)
def set_meta(~protocol,~data,~headers,uri) =
title = url.split(uri)
meta = metadata.export(snd(title))
ret = if meta != [] then insert(meta) "OK!" else "No metadata to add!" end
http_response(protocol=protocol,code=200,headers=[("Content-Type","text/html")],data="#{ret}") end
# port to register metadata updates via http
# shoutcast servers to broadcast to
output.shoutcast(%mp3(bitrate=256,samplerate=44100,stereo=true),name="RADIO NAME",genre="GENRE",host="",port = 8000,password = "PASS",radio)
output.shoutcast(%mp3(bitrate=128,samplerate=44100,stereo=true),name="RADIO NAME",genre="GENRE",host="",port = 8002,password = "PASS",radio)
output.shoutcast(%mp3(bitrate=64,samplerate=44100,stereo=true),name="RADIO NAME",genre="GENRE",host="",port = 8004,password = "PASS",radio)
output.shoutcast(%mp3(bitrate=24,samplerate=22050,stereo=true),name="RADIO NAME",genre="GENRE",host="",port = 8006,password = "PASS",radio)
output.shoutcast(%aac(bitrate=256),name="RADIO NAME",genre="GENRE",host="",port = 9000,password = "PASS",radio)
output.shoutcast(%aac(bitrate=128),name="RADIO NAME",genre="GENRE",host="",port = 9002,password = "PASS",radio)
output.shoutcast(%aac(bitrate=64),name="RADIO NAME",genre="GENRE",host="",port = 9004,password = "PASS",radio)
output.shoutcast(%aac(bitrate=24),name="RADIO NAME",genre="GENRE",host="",port = 9006,password = "PASS",radio)
another example, relay a shoutcast stream
# set the path and permissions for the logfile
# stream url to relay (source)
url = ""
relay = mksafe(input.http(url))
radio = fallback(track_sensitive=false,[relay])
# shoutcast server to broadcast to
output.shoutcast(%mp3(bitrate=256,samplerate=44100,stereo=true),name="RADIO NAME",genre="GENRE",host="",port = 8000,password = "PASS",radio)
other samples can be found on the liquidsoap website